Hosted by Paul Ives aka Hampshire BBQ
Saturday March 30
10am – 4pm
Event Finished
Hosted by Paul from Hampshire BBQ, you’ll be guided through the basics of BBQ ready for the season. You’ll get hands-on with BBQ prep – from learning how to set up your BBQ for a low and slow cooking, through to meat prep and cooking some of the very best of BBQ basics.
About Paul:
Paul is a UK ambassador for Broil King and cooks outside all year round. Whether it’s over charcoal, wood fire or gas, Paul is at his happiest outside in his BBQ shack, cooking up a meal for his family and friends. Paul regularly works with the AHDB showcasing wonderful British Beef, Lamb & Pork dishes on the BBQ.
For more info, check out @Hampshire BBQ on instagram.
What’s included:
All the meat and food that you cook
Refreshments (Beer, Wine, Soft drinks)
Recipe cards for you to tweak and repeat at home
Menu of the day:
Cowboy Breakfast
Steak n Eggs
How to cook the Perfect Steak
A variety of Wings
Ribs, Whole Chicken, Slaw, Pit Beans